Pierre Calmels

Web Developer

Full Stack










Weather Dashboard

This is an single-page weather app using Open-Weather API to get current weather the as well as the five-day forecast.

Demo Github

Code Quiz
Coding Quiz

A two page quiz app with countdown timer and high score-page. Displayed is my some of my favorite code from my bootcamp journey. On click, triggers set local storage, navigates to a scores page and gets entire local storage object, saves to an array, sorts the result in alphabetical and decsending numerical order.

Demo Github

Work Day Scheduler
Work Day Scheduler

This is a single page scheduling app that saves appointments for the current day by writing text input to local storage. Time is sychronized using moment.js and css changes are initiated by each advancing hour which initiates class changes written in jquery. I was happy with my code when I wrote it. I strove for simplicity and at 32 lines or so, it works.

Demo Github

Note Takin
Note Takin'

A CLI note taking app using node.js and express routes.

Demo Github

Club Staff
Club Staff

My first group project created a static website for a fictional country-club called the Merritt Hunt Club. The club offers members various recreational and social activities which can be scheduled from the site. It is designed to promote the club to prosective members and encourage current members to make use of the club. There is a weather api widget but the event scheduling function is handled by calendy. There is no database. A refactor would include building a backend and including proper authentication.

Demo Github


Dionysus is a full stack wine lifestyle app which was orginally a project of the 4CODERZ team who reorganized as The 3 N.E.R.Ds (Node, express, react, database). This project was the culmination of our UCONN bootcamp experience and was completed using Agile methodology. It has a weather forcast api allowing for search by zip code and a database read function which displays information about select wines with a color picture of the bottle displated.

Demo Github